Tree care requirements change as the summer fades and autumn approaches, but the help of your local tree services expert is always available. From pruning to fertilizing and planting, many different tasks can be completed in the cooler weather of September and October. Take a look at this handy list and call to schedule these essential fall landscaping tasks.
September Schedule
Plan to fit several of the vital tree care steps into this month, readying your landscape for early winter. Homeowners can tackle some of the basic fertilization and disease care on their own, but the more extensive and even dangerous jobs should be left to the pros.
Fall fertilizer may be applied to the trees on your property. This includes any new trees and shrubs that have gone in recently, as well as those well-established trees that only require maintenance at this point.
Shrubs may be pruned in September, depending on the species and age. Talk to your local arborist about the ideal time to prune your specific shrubs. Fall provides a health opportunity to prune in many cases.
Prune your trees with the coming season in mind. Any branches that could present a safety hazard in winter should be removed or trimmed back now. This is where the knowledge and skills of a tree care professional deliver the greatest value. Keep your trees healthy and reduce the risk of winter storm damage by scheduling a full inspection and necessary pruning now.
Treat some of your trees for pests and other diseases that may be common in your neighborhood. A tree services expert will pay particular attention to cool season mites and check any spruce, fir, hemlock or pine trees for scale insects. Trees should be treated for these issues in September with fairly close monitoring done all month long.
October Schedule
Your arborist or landscaping firm will apply a light fertilizer in October, but this month tends to be saved for winter preparation. Lawn care often takes center stage in October. Remember to take the opportunity to plant new trees or transplant existing trees during this month. Temperatures and moisture levels create the ideal conditions.
Fall is an important time for your trees and scheduling a tree services expert to tackle some of these jobs makes good sense.